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to be a better self英文演讲稿

2024-06-10 23 网站首席编辑

to be a better self英文演讲稿



1 学好英语。先把英语学好,否则无法论及演讲了。

2 狠练口语。让口语能得心应手得表达,想表达什么就表达什么,毫无障碍。

3 精选榜样。从网上精选10个英美演讲视频,专心学习。要把这10个视频听到自己能模仿出来,能脱稿独立演练。

4 现成的演讲稿。找10篇英语演讲稿来背诵,然后逐篇脱稿演讲,并录视频来琢磨、研究、提高。还请别人提意见。


to be a better self英文演讲稿

As we can see from the proverb, there is a strong connection between will and success.

First of all, the strong will is an important pledge of success.Then, people who have a firm will may well accomplish great tasks.Without hard work, no one can become a talented person in the future.

In short, there exists no denying that it is of significance for us to have a strong will.Only in this way can we create a brighter future.

相关标签: # 学习 # 英语

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